Monday 19 January 2009

The Big Beast is Back

“The big beast is back,” reports the Daily Telegraph. (Not that I read that biased publication, of course!)

(I got this image from The Guardian!)

Today we learn that Kenneth Clarke is to return to front-bench politics within the Conservative Party. This was the bully-boy who successively, but with debatable success, occupied just about every significant cabinet post throughout the Thatcher years. Fortunately for the nation, he never became PM.

I recall his watch cry: “Market Forces!” whereby he destroyed the morale of teachers, health-workers, law-enforcement officers and (need I go on?) Rewritten contracts were imposed upon people doing the best they could. These were dedicated people who were well-trained to perform their primary function, be that to teach, promote health or police the nation. Few of those were trained for, or motivated by, financial accountancy. Targets, and considerable accompanying paperwork, were thrust upon unsuspecting public servants, as Mr. Clarke confused the desirable concept of accountability with the mysterious science of accountancy. Many of those public servants, whose income came to depend upon hitting those targets, achieved them, only to discover in following years that those targets were ratcheted upwards. Some left or lost their jobs. Those who stayed became disenchanted with what they had previously perceived as their vocation, and eagerly looked forward to retirement, (early, if you were so fortunate.)

Before this henchman came along I was a fairly apolitical being. It was KC’s arrogance and dictatorial tactics that made me a socialist. He is a liability to the nation and, hopefully, to his party. While he occupies any position of power, (and, even in opposition, there is power,) I remain a socialist.

PS. I am not enamoured of the questionable motives of Lord Mandelson either, but at least he hasn’t made me a Tory … yet!

Perhaps I'll work on John Prescott next. Then again, why bother? While he was deputy PM to Tony Blair, he never had to deputise, so did little damage (unless you were an egg-thrower!)


London Apprentice and Special Bitter said...

Experimental comment.
I have little more to say about Ken Clarke except to warn you that politicians of all colours are arrogant in one respect: - They believe that they can rule over events when, if they were honest, they would admit to that being undoable and would not, therefore, take the money. We can see what he is. His label is worn outside! He's a silly old boisterous boozer of the ex public schoolboy variety. I will not be voting for his like.
{Now to see if my experiment, which was to sign on FIRST - will allow me to comment as a BLOG-holder, be that as "London Apprentice" or "Special Bitter" or even as myself - who you may know!}.

London Apprentice and Special Bitter said...

YES! Alleluia/Hallelujah! Praise be!