Friday 27 February 2009

I am the chimp on the left ...

The person who sent me the following clip prefaced it with a derogatory title about Irish people and their Darwinian heritage.

PC requires that it do NOT reproduce that introduction.

This sender should be kneecapped, tarred and feathered.
(Is 'tarred' a correct verb?)

I complain to the director that, apart from the opening frames, I receive minimal exposure. What's the one in the middle got that I haven't!

Now look here, Bill (1.however-many decimals,) this is parody in the extreme. The Riverdance productions were a complete delight.

I remain very fond of my Irish friends.
Darwin was pretty bright, too!

Anyone for tea? ...


1 comment:

The City Folk Club said...

My friend, Ken, responded as follows:
"It is a spectacle which degrades the nobility of theses fine members of the animal kingdom. One can only imagine what these poor beasts were put through to produce this. It is no better than a circus - and we thankfully have seen these become less cruel in latter years. Would YOU like to see YOUR children made to perform such a stunt as this tasteless video depicts? The same standards should be applied to dumb creatures such as these.
I trust the perpetrators and anyone who promulgates this despicable spectacle feel deeply ashamed of themselves."

Thanks, Ken.