Thursday 14 May 2009

The Stinky-Poo Parliament …

Given the recent disclosures of expenses claimed by our parliamentary representatives, I find myself in a mood of indignation. The word 'corruption' comes to mind. In an economic scenario that may soon see the UK having the GDP of a ‘third-world country’, one of my representatives has claimed an annual expense which is worth more than the current value of my home.

Many MPs have come under the spotlight. Here are some of the offered explanations/excuses/justifications, and my immediate thoughts:

“I did nothing wrong. It was all within the rules ...”
Perhaps there’s something wrong with the rules then.
Now, just who made those rules?

“I made an error of judgement ...”
Yes! Possibly the electorate made an error of judgement at the polling station too!

“I made a mistake …”
Really? Many of us think that you’re just milking the system.

“I needed somewhere to spend time with my family …”
Don’t we all? That’s usually a given reason for resignation.

I could go on.

Bring back the authority of our Head of State, say I.

What has she got to say about all this? Unlike some of our present elected rulers, our Queen is a good person. She has integrity and a considerable amount of experience. As a tax-payer, I willingly contribute to the upkeep of her royal residence. (Well, perhaps not all of them!). Does she claim expenses for horse-manure or dog-food?
Who cleans her moat?

Having said that, I remain cautiously circumspect about the qualities of her immediate successor.

Where are you, Mr. Cromwell?!

Did someone say, "Such a parcel of rogues ...?"


London Apprentice and Special Bitter said...

There are many important issues at stake here. I have thought for a (very) long while that we should accept that the words "political" and "lies" mean the same thing. These are the people that we have employed to tell our lies for us. Why then be surprised at this latest distortion?
We are running at full speed into the philosophical buffers.
Take the issue of Human Rights. Whenever was it "OK" to send young men & boys into war, there to kill thousands of civilians?
When did it become alright to send our sons into battle, fighting for causes that don't concern us, there for so many to lose their lives?
Since when did people need to be told how wrong and foolish it all is?
As we slip evermore into the confusion between right & wrong, the wheels of human expience can be seen nearing a full circle once again.
Who will be the new messiah? Or will the old one be reborn?
Questions questions. All the answers are out there in the world history. Nothing is new.

The City Folk Club said...

Difficult one, Berry.

'Politics' and 'lies'? I don't 'employ' my representatives to tell lies.
I/we elect them (or don't)to represent me/us.
Politicians employ others, named 'spin-doctors', to do the lying. Now, I know that 'spin' is a relatively new concept to people of our generation. Politicians pay such people from the public purse. (It is even rumoured that most of WSC's famously rousing WW2 utterances were manufactured for him.)

As to the rest, I agree.

Together, Berry, WE (perhaps with some divine assistance) can save humanity!

Musically Bent said...

Unfortunately I have always been unable to save anyone from anything! I have tried but always fall at the second fence when it comes to self-confidence. I say "Look - I don't like this idea of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. It's a cop-out."
The problem is that it is subjective. Why should it fall to me to tell others what they are to regard as beautiful? How would I avoid putting myself forward?
"Look here" I will say, "listen & learn as I play you a beautiful tune"
The response is deafening. "You might like to think that it's beautiful - but I'm afraid that I just don't mate"