Tuesday 23 June 2009

Midsummer Eve ...

Well, here we are at the end of Imbolc (Celtic for 'lactation of the ewes'). Tomorrow's sunrise marks the Celtic festival of Beltain, the first day of summer. This will be a season of partnerships and fertility. New couples will proclaim their love for each other. 'Writings from the puritanical elements during the English civil war show the festival was alive and well in the 17th century. We have quotes such as- "Couples would go into the woods at night and ne'er a third returned undefiled!"'

Ref: http://www.gallica.co.uk/celts/calendar.htm

There were no such activities for me and my friends that evening. There was much benign derision, but no one was defiled. However, here's Fiddlin' Bill performing Cripple Creek, while admirably ignoring bum notes from the out-of-sight concertina player.

Astute viewers will notice the vertically-challenged lighting engineer struggling unsuccessfully for attention!

Now let's all set off for that henge-thingy ...


Le Sanglier said...

Oh! I love that henge thingy! And I so admire your music. I have been struggling to get my jugband going. So far, I have a washboard player (with their own instrument)... that would be ME... and an accomplished comb player... uh... that would be ME... and I just got my guitar restrung. So! There you have it. So far, there is un sanglier in Les Sangliers de la Ruche.

The City Folk Club said...

Great to hear from you, Dana.
May I call you so?
Meet me naked at sunrise next year on 21st June and we'll party!

Le Sanglier said...

Be still my heart... *sigh*

The City Folk Club said...

That's a date then!
'Nakedness' is not a prerequisite; you'd run a mile to avoid sight of my varicosities!
I wonder if we should take this relationship a little more slowly?

Le Sanglier said...

It was all a fantastical dream, this getting naked at The Henge, 'cause I recently took stock and what I saw caused me to profess, with great passion and committment, The Vow of Non-Nakedness. I mean, I still look pretty good, you know, in CLOTHES... in the DARK... after a couple of DRINKS!

The City Folk Club said...

Calm down, Dana, this is almost too much information!

Le Sanglier said...

When I am done laughing, I will start blushing :)