Sunday 20 February 2011

Regarding Trees ...

So, Mr. Cameron has responded to popular pressure by not pursuing the idea of selling off England’s trees, forests and ancient woodland.
Campaigners, with whom I sympathise, and congratulate, regard this as a success.

BUT … is it a success?
The media reports DC’s recent statement as a U-turn by the government.
In reality it is an idea that has simply been shelved – put on the back-burner.
My guess is that the unholy coalition of our government has neglected to turn off the gas.
I can’t help thinking that this issue will come back.

These are trees...

They probably germinated from seed before you or me were ever conceived.

They do not belong to me, or you, or any individual, and certainly not to our parliamentary representatives.
I guess that The Crown might lay claim, (questionably,) to the land, but the aristocracy hunted out the game from the so-called 'Royal Forests', centuries ago.

I like trees.
Can you tell?

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