Friday 10 October 2008

Climate Change = Global Economic Meltdown.

Well, what more evidence for the reality of global warming do we need?

Yesterday one of Iceland's banks collapsed!

Yes, I am affected by this.

For some years I have made a monthly donation to a respected British charity. Like other private individuals, I regularly receive appeals from various charities, all of which express a sense of urgency.

Today I learn than British charities are at risk of losing £120 million following the collapse of an Icelandic bank.

When I donate, I expect my money to be spent in assisting those who are less fortunate than I. I do not intend it to be used by the charity to speculate on the global economic market.

Would I be better advised to regularly purchase numerous copies of Big Issue?

Perhaps I should be asking a similar question of my local council regarding council tax. I feel a letter to the paper coming on here!


The City Folk Club said...

The charity to which I subscribe has today reassured me that they have no investements in Iceland. I will continue my donations until such time as this financial crisis renders me as disadvantaged as the intended recipients. I will occasionally buy Big Issue.

London Apprentice and Special Bitter said...

The problem of donating to charity is that it doesn't begin at home. It begins with the usual organisation with all the trappings of big business including "careers" for some who have degrees in the subject. In a mixed economy there is no escape from sophistication and some donations will be invested whilst much will pay out in wages. There are some tax advantages though, but it isn't just anyone that can do it, oh no. One has to be "driven" by a belief. Many are they that believe only in themselves.