Saturday 25 December 2010

A Seasonal Story #3

Christmas Day at last!

In Dulce Jubilo and Sussex Carol by dogsbody

"God bless us, one and all!"


Unknown said...

Colin, really love the sound of the new English concertina. It would be lovely to have a CD withall the carols, especially the ones sung when one goes carolling.
Miss all of you lovely people.
Will see you soon.

Love to all.

La Jolie Guirlande said...

Merry Christmas to you too. Are these the dulcet tones of the new concertina?

The City Folk Club said...

Yes, isn't it lovely?
The tone has a quality, mid-way between the mellow of my brass-reeded Jones and the brightness of the steel-reeded Wheatstone.
Bellows are a bit stiff, but that should ease with use.
Nice light action on the keys.
I am very pleased.
If your're really friendly towards me I'll show it to you on Friday.